Microprocessor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Market statistics
In 2003, about 44 billion US$ worth of microprocessors were manufactured and sold. [1] (http://www.wsts.org/press.html) Although about half of that money was spent on CPUs used in desktop or laptop personal computers, those count for only about 0.2% of all CPUs sold.
About 55% of all CPUs sold in the world are 8-bit microcontrollers. Over 2 billion 8-bit microcontrollers were sold in 1997. [2] (http://www.circuitcellar.com/library/designforum/silicon_update/3/index.asp)
Less than 10% of all the CPUs sold in the world are 32-bit or more. Of all the 32-bit CPUs sold, about 2% are used in desktop or laptop personal computers. 'Taken as a whole, the average price for a microprocessor, microcontroller, or DSP is just over $6.' [3]"
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