Saturday, November 28, 2020

Chrome Extension to embed Amazon price history

I've used the site camelcamelcamel for some to check Amazon price history. Today; however, I came across a chrome plugin called  Keepa that display the price history right below the main product listing so you can quickly check the price history. This instapot for example was actually $10 cheaper from Amazon direct at the start of this month than on their current black friday deal.


Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Forget your WiFi password? Here's a trick to reveal it in Windows 10

Forget your WiFi password? Here's a trick to reveal it in Windows 10 from a command prompt or powershell run as administrator. To quickly start an admin power shell press the Windows Key and X together then when you see a popup menu in the corner of your screen press A (Win+X -> A). Once at an admin command prompt or power shell enter the following command replacing ReplaceWithYourWifiName  with your SSID.

netsh wlan show profile ReplaceWithYourWifiName key=clear