Saturday, December 24, 2005

Index of /nopv16/026A

Index of /nopv16/026A: "Index of /nopv16/026A

Name Last modified Size Description

[DIR] Parent Directory 17-Apr-2005 23:58 -
[ ] CARINS.ZIP 11-Jun-2003 06:14 5k
[ ] DIR26.DIR 11-Jun-2003 06:14 2k
[ ] DMTFTD5A.ZIP 11-Jun-2003 06:14 34k
[ ] DMXCOM5B.ZIP 11-Jun-2003 06:14 46k
[ ] EDMOM.ZIP 11-Jun-2003 06:14 92k
[TXT] FILES.BBS 11-Jun-2003 06:14 2k
[ ] HHE10.ZIP 11-Jun-2003 06:14 58k
[ ] HORDES.ZIP 11-Jun-2003 06:14 1.3M
[ ] KQ7MEM.ZIP 11-Jun-2003 06:14 4k
[ ] OMFED11.ZIP 11-Jun-2003 06:14 28k
[ ] UFOE10_.ZIP 11-Jun-2003 06:14 669k
[ ] XALTER.ZIP 11-Jun-2003 06:14 116k
[ ] XCMLT101.ZIP 11-Jun-2003 06:14 127k

Apache/1.3.27 Server at Port 80

Index of /nopv16/026A

Index of /nopv16/026A

DOSBox, a x86 emulator with DOS

DOSBox, a x86 emulator with DOS

Friday, December 23, 2005

WhippleWare Product Brief

WhippleWare Product Brief

Slashdot | Ingredients of Life Found Around Sun-Like Star

Slashdot | Ingredients of Life Found Around Sun-Like Star: "You and your entropy. Entropy only means that chaos increases if no energy is expended to order the system. Think about a messy room (your mother's basement?). It's going to be messy until someone gets fed up with the smell of rotting pizza crusts, at which point they will expend energy and order the system. The entropy of the room decreases because energy was infused into the system. Entropy always increases, but only on a universal scale because no energy can enter or leave the universe. There is no other system of which that is true.

So now, we can move on to molecular biology. The two abstract things you need for life are the ability to get energy from your environment and a way to order yourself. DNA and proteins do this. Lab experiments have shown that ammonia, water, oxygen and methane, in a closed flask, will generate amino acids if they twirl them around enough and give them some energy (your lightning strike). If these amino acids can make an energy gradient by harvesting electrons from something common on a primordial earth, like Hydrogen Sulfide, then you have energy. And if get an amino acids that can store its code on something like have life. Now, that's a whole lot of ifs. And, taken together, a very low probability. But, like someone else mentioned, these small molecul"

Monday, December 19, 2005

Weights of Common Substances

Weights of Common Substances

my.IS - 628 RWHP and 581 RWTQ 1st PCS EMS

my.IS - 628 RWHP and 581 RWTQ 1st PCS EMS: "
Well, it has been quite a long time in the making and it makes me very happy to finally post up the fruits of many hours of labor. This car has some very unique features and will hopefully change the way many people think about turboing the IS. I would like to send and great amount of thanks for Jeff and Sean at TurboEast for their hard work and foresight to make this dream come true for me. I also have to show love to my boy Jayson who pushed me to go bigger and better with the car."

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

can nero burn clonecd images? - CD and DVD Burning Software - Club CD Freaks

can nero burn clonecd images? - CD and DVD Burning Software - Club CD Freaks: "i'm thinking that nero can burn clone cd images. this was just a random thought that i had. thats the 'smaller' thought i had today. the grander thought was could nero burn a betablocker patched clonecd image, and get safedisc right? we know that nero screws up reading safedisc, but will it write it correctly, if the data is there? i'm posing this to someone out there with a little free time, and a cdrw disc

if ya are confused, make the clonecd image, open nero, file > burn image, navigate to the directory with the clonecd image *view all files in the directory* to find the .cdd, .img, and .sub files, i believe. burn the .img file with mode1 2048 bytes per sector, and it should work as normal. just a random thought that occured burning a bin (lets not talk about how the bin came into my possession)"

SEOmoz | Beginner's Guide to SEO

SEOmoz | Beginner's Guide to SEO

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

FSUM - File Integrity Checker ... md5sum,md5summer,sfv,sfv checker,sfv creator,.md5,.sfv,free,freeware,fast,fastest,quick,quickest,md5sum,sfv,generate

FSUM - File Integrity Checker ... md5sum,md5summer,sfv,sfv checker,sfv creator,.md5,.sfv,free,freeware,fast,fastest,quick,quickest,md5sum,sfv,generate,generator,generation,generating,create,creator,creation,check,checker,checking,verify,verifier,verification,verifying,valid,validate,validity,validator,validation,validating,validated,compare,comparision,compared,comparing,comparer,ISO,ISOs,BIN,BINs,burn,burning,CD,SFVCreator,CFVVerifier,test,testing,tester,download,file,files,window,windows,algorithm,algorithms,function,functions,method,methods,data,integrity,hash,hashes,hasher,hashing,value,values,calculate,calculation,calculator,calculating,compute,computation,computing,perform,performance,performing,get,getting,message,messages,digest,digests,checksum,checksums,check sum,sums,crc,crc32,crc-32,crc 32,md,md5,md-5,md 5,md2,md-2,md 2,sha,sha1,sha-1,sha 1,sha2,sha-2,sha 2,sha256,sha-256,sha 256,sha384,sha-384,sha 384,sha512,sha-512,sha 512,ripemd,ripemd160,ripemd-160,ripemd 160,panama,tiger,adler,adler32,adler-32,adler 32,utility,tool,command line,command-line,app,application,replacement,md5sum replacement,sfv creator replacement,edonkey,e-donkey,e donkey,emule,e-mule,e mule,edonkey2000,ed2K,e-donkey2000,e donkey2000,md4,md-4,mp3,.mp3,wav,.wav,music,video,soft,software,slavasoft,slava,downloading,downloaded

Monday, November 28, 2005

Slashdot | Windows vs. Linux Study Author Replies

Slashdot | Windows vs. Linux Study Author Replies: "FFE4 = JMP ESP on x86 (one of my favorite instructions for certain contexts - buffer overflows in particular :)). It's one I created just for this interview and thus got a UID heading towards infinity!"

Bytonic Software

Bytonic Software: "

Jake2 Webstart



Jake2 is a Java 3D game engine. It is a port of the GPL’d Quake2 game engine from id Software. To use the Jake2 engine you need either the data files from the original game or from the demo version that is available for download from

Jake2 uses jogl for OpenGL graphics and joal for 3D sound. Since version 0.9.4 an a lwjgl driver is included as alternative for the jogl/joal combination. Currently supported operating systems are Linux and Windows2000/XP but it should work on Mac OS X as well.

You can download the current development version here. Please send bug reports and feedback to or use our forum at
Jake2 features

* pure Java port of the Quake2 game engine
* full playable singleplayer mode
* full featured multiplayer client
* multiplayer server
* demo playback and recording
* save/load games
* fullscreen support
* two different OpenGL bindings (jogl and lwjgl)
* OpenAL sound engine for true 3D sound

whats new in 0.9.4

* multiplayer client and server functionality
* Mac OS X support
* webstart version
* experimental lwjgl driver
* standalone installer
* online installation of Quake2 demo data files
* mouse wheel support
* very fast screenshot function
* memory footprint reduced
* bugfixes


Quake and Quake2 are trademarks of id Software.


Jake2 - project page at

jogl - Java Bindings for OpenGL
joal - Java Bindings for OpenAL
LWJGL - Leight Weight Java Game Library
id Software - Home of Quake2


Thursday, November 17, 2005

: ":: Here's NT code that puts something like
:: 03/17/2002
:: into the DATE environment variable
@echo off
echo.|date|find 'current' >t#e.bat
echo set date=%%5> the.bat
call t#e.bat
del t?e.bat > nul
:: Thanks to Joseph P. Hayes

:: Here's a one-line NT command (but a LONG line!)
:: one that splits all the date parts out, putting
:: each one into it's own variable (weekday, day, month, year)
for /f 'tokens=1-4 delims=/ ' %%a in ('date /t') do (set weekday=%%a& set day=%%b& set month=%%c& set year=%%d)

:: And here's NT code that puts the time into the environment
for /f %%a in ('time /t') do set time=%%a

:: Here's a simple way to see if today is Monday (or any other day)
date /t | find 'Mon'
if not errorlevel 1 goto MONDAY



Category 5 / 5E & Cat 6 Cabling Tutorial and FAQ's - the best source for information on Cat 5 / 5e / 6 cable!

Category 5 / 5E & Cat 6 Cabling Tutorial and FAQ's - the best source for information on Cat 5 / 5e / 6 cable!

Thomas Kinkade Signature Gallery of Central Massachusetts

Thomas Kinkade Signature Gallery of Central Massachusetts

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Factory Five 427 Roadster Kit Packages

Factory Five 427 Roadster Kit Packages

Index of /resource

Index of /resource

Shadow Mountain Tech

Shadow Mountain Tech

Adobe Forums - Can Adobe 7 SDK be used with Adobe Reader 5?

Adobe Forums - Can Adobe 7 SDK be used with Adobe Reader 5? - setcurrent page for pdf - setcurrent page for pdf Discussion Forums - A Buttonboogie for XP!!! Discussion Forums - A Buttonboogie for XP!!!

CodeGuru: RAMDISK Version 1.0 for Windows 2000/Windows XP

CodeGuru: RAMDISK Version 1.0 for Windows 2000/Windows XP

RamDisk for Windows 2000/XP

RamDisk for Windows 2000/XP



Automotive News

Automotive News: "Nissan's next-gen Skyline GT-R is the talk of Tokyo, and still only a concept"

Public utilities in Fredericksburg, Virginia - by SimplyFredericksburg

Public utilities in Fredericksburg, Virginia - by SimplyFredericksburg - Simple example on how to skin a form - Simple example on how to skin a form

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

X-bit labs - Articles - Intel Pentium D 820 CPU Review (page 5)

X-bit labs - Articles - Intel Pentium D 820 CPU Review (page 5): "The actual overclocking of Pentium D 820 processor started quite unexpectedly. We managed to raise the FSB frequency to 250MHz in no time and without any special effort. This brought the CPU clock rate up to 3.5GHz.

The system started and booted-up normally at this speed and allowed running all sorts of small utilities (including single-threaded ones) without any problems. However, when we took a closer look at the system functioning in these conditions, we saw that it could not provide fully-fledged functionality in this case. The Zalman CNPS7700Cu cooler couldn’t cope with its task when the CPU got loaded heavily.

The temperature kept growing and the CPU would shut down. Since Zalman CNPS7700Cu is a pretty powerful air cooler, the conclusion we can draw here is not very optimistic. You need an extremely efficient cooling solution, a water-cooling system, for instance, if you intend to try overclocking your dual-core processor. We still decided it would be interesting to find out what is the maximum frequency our processor can work at stably with the air cooler, because this type of cooling is currently used in most computer systems. We reduced the FSB frequency to 240MHz and continued out stability tests. The CPU was working at 3360MHz in this case.

The results obtained in this case turned out even more interesting. The thing is that the system remained stable, the CPU temperature stayed within the acceptable range, and all major tests would run smoothly. However, when we started a benchmark supporting multi-threading, some weird things began happening. The results appeared suspiciously low in this case. When we launched two independent copies of a single-threaded application (we used WinRAR archiving utility), we managed to reveal a very interesting effect: Pentium D cores can get into thermal throttling independently. In other words, the first core continued working at its no"

X-bit labs - Articles - Intel Pentium D 820 CPU Review

X-bit labs - Articles - Intel Pentium D 820 CPU Review



midPhase - Unmetered Bandwidth™

midPhase - Unmetered Bandwidth™

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Paj's Home: Cryptography: JavaScript MD5

Paj's Home: Cryptography: JavaScript MD5

Paj's Home: Cryptography: JavaScript MD5

Paj's Home: Cryptography: JavaScript MD5 - AES Cryption in VBModule - AES Cryption in VBModule: "AES is the Advanced Encryptrion Standard, as the name says fo it selfe, this is a standard, and it is the standard, that replaced DES, the Data Encryption Standard. Becaue DES with its 56Bit was to week against the brute force attack on new computers, they searched for a new standard. During 2 years they tested and analysed some new algorithms, the candidates were:

The Advanced Encryption Standard (Rijndael)
Twofish (finalist)
SERPENT (finalist)
RC6 (finalist)
MARS (finalist)

Simple COM Tools, Serial Port

Simple COM Tools, Serial Port

Amendment No. 9 to Form S-1


Washington, D.C. 20549






The Securities Act of 1933


Friday, September 16, 2005

Power-dressing Aussie leaves trail of destruction - Yahoo! News

Power-dressing Aussie leaves trail of destruction - Yahoo! News: "SYDNEY (Reuters) - An Australian man built up a 40,000-volt charge of static electricity in his clothes as he walked, leaving a trail of scorched carpet and molten plastic and forcing firefighters to evacuate a building.

Frank Clewer, who was wearing a woollen shirt and a synthetic nylon jacket, was oblivious to the growing electrical current that was building up as his clothes rubbed together.

When he walked into a building in the country town of Warrnambool in the southern state of Victoria on Thursday, the electrical charge ignited the carpet.

'It sounded almost like a firecracker', Clewer told Australian radio on Friday.

'Within about five minutes, the carpet started to erupt.'

Employees, unsure of the cause of the mysterious burning smell, telephoned firefighters who evacuated the building.

'There were several scorch marks in the carpet, and we could hear a cracking noise -- a bit like a whip -- both inside and outside the building', said fire official Henry Barton.

Firefighters cut electricity to the building thinking the burns might have been caused by a power surge.

Clewer, who after leaving the building discovered he had scorched a piece of plastic on the floor of his car, returned to seek help from the firefighters.

'We tested his clothes with a static electricity field metre and measured a current of 40,000 volts, which is one step shy of spontaneous combustion, where his clothes would have self-ignited,' Barton said.

'I've been firefighting for over 35 years and I've never come across anything like this,' he said.

Firefighters took possession of Clewer's jacket and stored it in the courtyard of the fire station, where it continued to give off a strong electrical current.

David Gosden, a senior lecturer in electrical engineering at Sydney Univers"

Power-dressing Aussie leaves trail of destruction - Yahoo! News

Power-dressing Aussie leaves trail of destruction - Yahoo! News: "SYDNEY (Reuters) - An Australian man built up a 40,000-volt charge of static electricity in his clothes as he walked, leaving a trail of scorched carpet and molten plastic and forcing firefighters to evacuate a building.

Frank Clewer, who was wearing a woollen shirt and a synthetic nylon jacket, was oblivious to the growing electrical current that was building up as his clothes rubbed together.

When he walked into a building in the country town of Warrnambool in the southern state of Victoria on Thursday, the electrical charge ignited the carpet.

'It sounded almost like a firecracker', Clewer told Australian radio on Friday.

'Within about five minutes, the carpet started to erupt.'

Employees, unsure of the cause of the mysterious burning smell, telephoned firefighters who evacuated the building.

'There were several scorch marks in the carpet, and we could hear a cracking noise -- a bit like a whip -- both inside and outside the building', said fire official Henry Barton.

Firefighters cut electricity to the building thinking the burns might have been caused by a power surge.

Clewer, who after leaving the building discovered he had scorched a piece of plastic on the floor of his car, returned to seek help from the firefighters.

'We tested his clothes with a static electricity field metre and measured a current of 40,000 volts, which is one step shy of spontaneous combustion, where his clothes would have self-ignited,' Barton said.

'I've been firefighting for over 35 years and I've never come across anything like this,' he said.

Firefighters took possession of Clewer's jacket and stored it in the courtyard of the fire station, where it continued to give off a strong electrical current.

David Gosden, a senior lecturer in electrical engineering at Sydney Univers"

ColorPlus PDF Printer Drivers for PDF Generation

ColorPlus PDF Printer Drivers for PDF Generation

Mailinator:Spam Map

Mailinator:Spam Map

Contact bayMountain

Contact bayMountain

MSN Virtual Earth

MSN Virtual Earth

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Link popularity - Free link popularity check

Link popularity - Free link popularity check

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